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Marketing Strategy

5 Marketing Mistakes Realtors® Make

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Making a list of marketing mistakes that Realtors® make was not much different than a list that all businesses are guilty of. The good news is that you can correct or improve in all 5 of these areas without spending any money or even taking a lot of time.

It starts with a plan of the marketing activities for the coming year that will assist you in meeting your financial objectives, help you target your financial and time resources and act as a blueprint for the rest of your career.

A marketing plan defines and prioritizes your target audiences, so you can focus your marketing efforts where they will do the most good. It maps out how you are going to find and attract new clients. It reflects the benefits you offer that will be relevant and appealing to your target audiences. Your positioning is the basis for all your communication materials, advertising and contact points—and it can eliminate inconsistencies in your messaging and materials.

• Write out your marketing plan
• Set marketing goals and objectives i.e. add 4 new prospects to your sphere of influence per month.
• Set aside money for a monthly marketing budget – Start with taking 5% of your past year’s commissions.
• Develop a marketing calendar – a to-do list of all your marketing activities with implementation dates and who’s going to do them.

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Six Tips For Realtors® To Make Open Houses A Marketing Opportunity

By Marketing Strategy, Open Houses, Prospecting

In real estate marketing one of the most debated topics is whether an open house is a useful marketing tool for selling the house and or gaining leads for the Realtor®. While I am not a Realtor® I have dozens of clients who swear by them to sell a house and generate leads using tools and techniques like the ones below.

For a Realtor® an open house is a time saver. You can show the house to prospective buyers without having to disrupt the homeowner through the week. Many Realtors® drive their clients to open houses on weekends as they do not have to make an appointment and can cover a lot of ground. So an open house can actually save you time.

If you are going to hold an open house then this article gives you 6 ideas that you can implement to make opens more effective at selling the house and generating leads.

Click Here For a PDF Version


When you are at an open house you are going to be speaking to the most qualified prospects you will ever meet. 9 out of 10 times they are going to buy or sell a house eventually. Here are some of the questions you should ask them:

1) What brought you to our open house today?
2) How long have you been looking?
3) Are you currently working with other Realtors?
4) When would you like to be in your new home?
5) What price range are you looking for?
6) How long have you been searching for a home?

Ask them if you could add them to your email list and possibly send them links to properties they might be interested in. Then ask them if they would be interested in working with you.

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90 Days To Real Estate Success

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Over the past 16 plus years of working with Realtors® I have been part of and seen dozens of different approaches to starting a career in real estate; some successful and some not. Like any business, the most important things when starting as a Realtor® is to have a marketing plan and a budget. Getting your license is the easy part. Creating a viable, sustainable business is where the hard work is required.

I learned a long time ago that it takes about 90 days for any marketing initiative to bear fruit which means whatever is happening in your business today is the result of what you were working on 90 days ago. With that theory in mind, I think you need 90 days to launch or relaunch a real estate career. It is tempting to try and do everything in the first week, but a measured approach with weekly milestones will ensure you’re not missing any key steps, that you are building towards a goal and you are implementing a plan rather than flying by the seat of your pants.

I compiled ideas from many different sources and added my own experience to create this E-Book titled 90 Days To Real Estate Success. It reflects the measured approach I recommend and while the tasks and events are laid out by week, they are not etched in stone. Use this as a guideline to ensure you lay a strong foundation for your real estate business. If you need some help along the way please call Mike Blaney at 604-618-5512 or 1-800-568-8338.

You can view the E-Book using the flip book viewer below. There is an option to download the pdf, but you can also click here for your own pdf copy.

Click the Enlarge button  in the bottom menu for optimum viewing.

NEW Virtual Assistant Service For Ubertor Website Users

By Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing, Ubertor

Life as a Realtor® means unpredictable demands on your time and a few things can suffer; listings are late getting on your website, they are not optimized, your open house feature sheet is the MLS sheet and your website is out of date and barely ranking in searches.

Over the last 16 years of working with Realtors® we have helped hundreds of clients by providing the following ad hoc services:

  1. Updating their websites with new content and  photos
  2. Creating eye-catching colour feature sheets for open houses
  3. Creating effective Just Listed and Just Sold postcards
  4. Blogging to improve search rankings
  5. Adding listings that are optimized and have a chance of appearing on page 1 of a search for the address

We know these services are so important to your business that we have bundled everything you need into a monthly package that will free you up to do the important things for your clients. None of these plans are cast in stone so we can custom tailor the services to meet your needs.

Some of the services included are:

  • Updating content on your website as required
  • Listing optimization
  • Branded Open House Feature Sheet
  • Real estate blog posts
  • Stylized listing photo for Facebook and Twitter
  • Search result monitoring

Check out a comparison of the three plans we offer by clicking here.

Check out the Basic Plan by clicking here.

Check out the Regular Plan by clicking here.

Check out the Deluxe Plan by clicking here.

To order click here.

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Realtor Seller’s Guide – Colour

By Collateral, Marketing Strategy, Promotional Item, Prospecting, Realtor Marketing

We introduced the black and white version of the Seller’s Guide a few weeks ago and due to popular demand have a colour version available now.

Are you looking for a marketing tool to attract sellers and get more listings? We have created a seller’s guide template that covers many of the important questions, but we can add your branding and customize it to meet your needs. The photos can be changed to reflect your market and style of homes or condos you specialize in. While we like the white background, but we can change it to any colour you desire. We supply it in a pdf you can email, a printable pdf you can provide a printer and individual pages that you can print yourself.

Further customization is available on an hourly fee. Click here for pricing and order form.

Booklet is empty or it doesn't exist.

Are Realtors Still Using Fridge Magnets?

By Collateral, Design, Marketing Strategy, Prospecting

Over the years the interest in fridge magnets has waned due to the rise in popularity of stainless steel fridges, but I have always thought they were once one of the best tools for “top of the mind awareness”. A client asked us to design one so I did a little research into the sticktoitnessof stainless steel and learned the following:

Some stainless steel fridges will, in fact, work for fridge magnets — especially if the magnet is fairly strong. The most magnet-friendly appliances have a thin sheet of stainless steel as a decorative face over a metal core that’s more ferromagnetic — meaning a metal that magnets will stick to.  Many “stainless steel” refrigerators are made differently on the front than they are on the sides. If your fridge magnets won’t stick to the door, try the side of it — if your kitchen arrangement allows easy access to it, of course. And to get really technical there are several different types of stainless steels. The two main types are austenitic and ferritic, each of which exhibits a different atomic arrangement. Due to this difference, ferritic stainless steels are generally magnetic while austenitic stainless steels usually are not.

Where can you get them printed? advertisies 100  for $92.61 (5.5″ x 4″). MagnetsUSA advertises a 4″ x 6″ magnet at qty 100 for $104.00 (USD)

Realtor Buyer’s Guide and E-Book By Limelight Marketing

By Branding, Collateral, Design, Listing Presentations, Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Are you looking for a marketing tool to attract buyers? We have created a ready to go buyer’s guide that covers many of the important questions, but we can add your branding and customize it to your needs. While we like the black and white look, we can change it to any colour you desire. We supply it in a pdf you can email, a printable pdf you can provide a printer and indiviual pages that you can print yourself.

Further customization is available on an hourly fee.

Booklet is empty or it doesn't exist.

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Realtor Seller’s Guide and E-Book By Limelight Marketing

By Branding, Collateral, Design, Listing Presentations, Marketing Strategy, Promotional Item, Prospecting, Realtor Marketing

Are you looking for a marketing tool to attract sellers and get more listings? We have created a seller’s guide template that covers many of the important questions, but we can add your branding and customize it to your needs. While we like the black and white look, we can change it to any colour you desire. We supply it in a pdf you can email, a printable pdf you can provide a printer and individual pages that you can print yourself.

Further customization is available on an hourly fee.

Booklet is empty or it doesn't exist.

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Realtor Listing Presentation By Limelight Marketing

By Branding, Collateral, Design, Listing Presentations, Marketing Strategy, Realtor Marketing

Do you need to add a professional listing presentation to land more listings?  We have created a Listing Presentation template that we can customize for you, add your branding and any additional pages you require. Designed for a 1/2″ ring binder, PUR or coil binding with 8 to 12 tabs and a Table of Contents at the front so you can flip from tab to tab. Cover pages for Actives, Solds, Expireds, contracts and the actual Opinion of Value. You can choose a different binding method, but the tabbed approach let’s you prepare 3 or 4 in advance and have them ready to go.

The final version can only be edited in Adobe InDesign, but you can have us make changes down the road or give the document to the designer of your choice. Some of the variable data pages can be created in Word so you can make your own changes.

Further customization is available on an hourly fee. Click here for pricing and order form.

Booklet is empty or it doesn't exist.

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