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How Can a Realtor® Create or Identify Their Brand?

By October 15, 2017November 15th, 2017Branding, Realtor Marketing

How Can a Realtor® Create or Identify Their Brand?

There are five things you need to identify to form your brand.

1. Identify What You Value – Your personal brand is ultimately a reflection of everything you value. So take time to really think about the things you value in your life. List them. Make sure the values you identify are truly your own because you must believe in and live by them every day. These values will become the foundation for your brand, as well as your personal mission statement.

2. Identify What Makes You Unique – With your values as your foundation, the next step is to determine your specific uniqueness. Everyone is unique and special in some way. How are you different as an individual? How are you unique? And how are your products and services different? Incorporate this uniqueness into your brand.

3. Identify How You Want To Be Perceived – Branding is about other people’s perceptions of you. You have the power to control most of these perceptions with your actions and presentation.

4. Identify Your Specialty – Are you the neighbourhood expert? Are you an experienced real estate investor? If you want to be branded as the best value-added salesperson, then you have to bring extra value to every client or prospect meeting.

5. Identify Your Target Market – The goal of branding is to build customer loyalty. As you’re creating your brand, you need to determine your target market and speak directly to them. You want people to think that your brand will make a difference in their lives, so it must be meaningful to the end user.

Now Write Down Your Brand

Once you have identified the things that make you unique, you can weave them into a brand identity that will make you stand out from the crowd. You have to actually write the statement. A brand is a phrase that jumps out at you from the page and grabs your emotions.

By branding yourself, you separate yourself from the crowd and create a greater impact – for you.

You can check out some of our branding work by clicking here or view our portfolio or branding portfolio.

Call us at 800-568-8338 or 604-770-1467 for more information.